Kenya Medical Missions

In March 2020, Dr. Lynne Stockman led the first mission trip of a three-year partnership to Mully Children’s Family (MCF) in Kenya to provide medical care to children in need and the surrounding community. The team provided care to over 2,200 patients in five days, some of who had walked over 20 miles to get to the mobile clinic. Dental, gynecologic, eye, wound, physical therapy, and general medical care were provided along with prescription medications. And since music is an important element in Kenyan culture, a small team also helped lead worship and teach guitar lessons.  

Charles Mulli dreams of providing MCF and the surrounding communities with a hospital in the future. While we hope and pray for this dream to become a reality, the team looks forward to returning in 2022 to watch God at work and do our part to care for God’s kingdom here on Earth. Lynne shares, “I am thankful for the experience to use my professional skills to help those who do not receive medical care on a regular basis and to share the love of Jesus…we felt God’s presence in a mighty way!”


Camp Ministry During Covid


New Hope Church Uses State Missions Grant to Support Community’s Students in Virtual School